Frequently Asked Questions

Please click on the question to reveal the answer.

The property owner or manager should call us at 650.589.4020 during regular office hours (Monday through Friday, 7am – 4:30pm). Starts/stops and most service changes can be made immediately.

Please refer to the label on the lid of a collection cart or on the front of a larger collection bin. Note that we require recyclables to be sorted into multiple bins. Recyclable paper items are collected separately from recyclable containers. Review our Educational Materials or use our Sort Smart Recycling Guide for more detailed information.

Call us at (650) 589-4020 to make arrangements for special collection. If properly authorized by property owner/manager, the account can be charged. Otherwise, payment can be taken by phone. Overflow and large items can also be brought to Blue Line Transfer.

Yes. Please review the information found here.

These items do not belong in any of your carts. Please click here or use our Sort Smart Recycling Guide for more information.

Yes. To prevent litter, discourage illegal dumping/scavenging, encourage recycling, and avoid service delays, please review these guidelines.

Please order a roll-off box or self-haul the material to Blue Line Transfer.

Didn’t find the answer you needed?

Contact us using one of the options below.

If it’s after hours, we will respond as soon as possible and always within 1 business day.

CALL OR TEXT (650) 589-4020